Fix Your Stress & 10x Your Performance.  

Stress-Proof Your Work & Life - Fast & Forever.

Reverse Burnout & Rebuild Your Health.

Become a Balanced, Healthy, Resilient &
Stress-Proof Powerhouse

Without Quitting Your High-Powered World.


ManCalm Stress-Proof is a membership program specially engineered for men, who are ready to fix their stress, the problems stress causes &
live healthy, happy & stress-proof.


Stress is a Physical Problem - Not Mental.
It Affects Us All - Does This Sound Like You?



The world today is very different to what it was 20 years ago.

It’s more complex, more challenging, and infinitely more stressful.

You've worked hard, you've over-achieved - but life's taken its toll on you. 

You feel physically, mentally & emotionally burnt out.

Your body, mind & life is hurting.  You feel it and see it – every day.

You look & feel 10 years older.

Everything life threw at you – you took it all - and kept on going.

Because you had no choice.

Years of strain -  children, family & relationship battles, business pressures, health worries, tragedy, financial & employment problems, social pressures, world instability, injury, illness, problems at home, separation, divorce...

Stress is Everywhere – It’s more complex, dangerous, invasive and you can’t escape it.

You are always under stress.

You have responsibilities - you can't just walk away from everything that causes stress in your life. 

While some stress is OK, years of constant stress can make you sick. 

Years of untreated, chronic stress, can make you very sick. 

It causes physical and mental burnout, illness and debilitating symptoms and pain that you feel every day.

But even worse, when you try and "push through & tough it out" your chronic stress & burnout is left untreated, your health and the problems caused by stress, continue to get worse.

The Life You Love - Your family, relationships, work, friends, health, fitness - is at risk.

You develop serious chronic disease.  

Life threatening diseases including stroke, heart disease, liver disease, depression, Alzheimer's disease and cancer.

And as men, we are very poor at taking care of ourselves.

So when we ignore our stress or try and tough it out – it can impact our whole life.

The affects of stress damages our families, our relationships, our career, business and everyone around us.

Did You Know, That the Damage to Your Body from Stress Causes Your ...

  • Insomnia

  • Fatigue

  • Anger

  • Sadness

  • Moodiness

  • Nervousness

  • Craving junk food

  • Exhaustion

  • Headaches

  • Anxiety

  • Back pain

  • Chest pain

  • Gut problems

  • Emotional

  • Always sick

  • Libido/performance problems

  • Dizziness

  • Poor concentration

  • Tension

  • Weight gain

  • Panic attacks

  • Racing heart

  • Skin rashes

Your Stress & the Problems it Causes,
It's Not Your Fault

But Who Can You Talk to About Your Stress? Where Can You Go For Help?

The Problem is:
Stress is Everywhere – It’s more Complex, Dangerous, Invasive and We Can’t Escape It.

We live in the real world, with family, career and commitments.
We can’t sacrifice everything we've worked so hard for. We can't just walk away from everything that causes stress.
We can’t quit our demanding career, our business - working hard.
We have our family to care for and support. 
Mortgages to pay, our kids’ education to save for, car loans, retirement plans, credit cards, savings plans.
Too many people rely on us and as men, we can't let them down. 

The Problem is:
Where Do You Start to Fix & Protect Yourself? It's Not More Talk You Need, It's Science 

It's not rah-rah and chest thumping that you need - it's not incense and crystals. 

You need evidence based science to rebuild, repair and fix the problem. To protect yourself. 

You can't talk to anyone at your work about your stress - your colleagues at work have got their own problems.
The staff in HR - they don't understand.  The seminars they run don't help at all - all talk, no action. 
And what if you do talk to HR.  What about that promotion?  Or worse, the layoffs everyone's talking about?

You've got your own business - it's successful, but you can't talk to anyone there.
The staff, your customers, your suppliers  -  all look to you for strength - you're their leader. 
But you know something's not right - and you need to fix it.  But how? 

Your wife, your family - they care, they know you're "doing it tough". 
They want to help - offer suggestions - but how are they supposed to help? They don't know how to help you.

You swap stories with your friends over a beer. 
Blowing off steam feels good - but you don't feel any better the next day, or the next week, or the month after that.

The Problem is:
Even When You Visit a Doctor, They Don't Have a Solution to Rebuild Your Health.  Doctors Treat to Relieve Symptoms, Not to Fix the Root Cause.

There is no clinical test for "chronic stress or burnout", the only diagnosis is "syndromic" - that is, the diagnosis is based on the combination of symptoms that are all related to each other. 
Most medical doctors treat symptoms of stress and burnout with medication – they don’t have the time or resources, to treat the core problem.
Take these sleeping pills – try these anti-depressants – try this mental health plan – try relaxing more??

Just because a doctor is relieving your symptoms with medication, it doesn't mean they are treating the root cause and rebuilding your body.
If you don't fix the root cause of your chronic stress and burnout. 
If you don't "stress-proof" your body, you don't recover, you can't protect yourself - you just get worse.

The Problem is:
There is Very Little Research Done on Programs to Fix Chronic Stress & Burnout

Most medical research is funded by the "Big Drug Companies". 
But you can't fix the damage from chronic stress and burnout with drugs and supplements.
So If big drug companies can't make money selling drugs and supplements, they won't pay for research.  

So, the root cause and illness progression for stress and burnout is very poorly understood. 

The Problem is:
"Old-School" Stress & Burnout Programs Don't Work on Today's Stress

Someone suggests a therapist they think can help.
But again, it's all talk and no action. 

Stress today - especially the stress faced by men - is different. 

The “old-school” stress programs they teach you, just don’t work.
The science of rebuilding from the problems of chronic stress and burnout - stress-proofing yourself, and living safely with stress, hasn’t kept pace with the complexity of today’s stress.
The “soft” tips they teach you – to avoid, to walk away, to embrace, to practice self-care, to be gentler on yourself – don’t help to fix a man's body damaged by the unrelenting stress of today’s 24/7 always-on life.
You can't take 3 months off - or a long relaxing holiday. 

This is the "real world" and you have "real world" commitments and "real world" stress.  

You need to fix your stress, rebuild your health and make your body "bullet-proof" - so it doesn't happen again. 

The Problem is:
Other Health Practitioners Try to Help, But They Lack Training in the Physiology of "Today's Stress" - So Their Treatment Programs are Typically Incomplete

Psychologists provide "old-school" stress management and mindset tools, such as avoiding stress and taking time off work, which is an incomplete treatment and impossible in today's 24/7 world. 

Naturopaths might prescribe supplements, which are an incomplete treatment and on their own, rarely successful. 

Nutritionists often suggest highly restrictive or detox diets, which starve the body of required micro and macro-nutrients, rather than refueling the body for repair and protection.

Meditation and yoga exercises help with stress, but they can be hard and inconvenient to do (if you're in the middle of a tough day) - but they can't help to rebuild and repair the body from the damage stress has already caused. 

The Problem is:
So You Then Rely on "Dr Google" for Information.   

So, How do You Know What is "Evidence Based Science" & What are "Snake Oil Stories"?   

The pathology and treatment of chronic stress & burnout is complex - when medically trained doctors don't agree, how are you supposed to know. 
So, you look online for help and there are many hundreds of "internet wellness experts" all with different ideas, theories & mythical treatment ideas. You're not an expert - how can you tell the difference between science & myth?

So, you start trying their ideas, none of it helps and your health continues to deteriorate. 

If You Can't Fix Your Stress -
If You Can't Protect Yourself from Stress, 
The Problems Get Worse

You Can Try To Fix Your Stress Yourself, or Wait for the Pressure to Ease.
Or Worse, "Try To Tough It Out" With No Help.   
But at What Risk?  At What Cost to You and Those You Love? 

The Longer Your Chronic Stress & Burnout is Untreated, the More Damage is Caused.  Your Health Deteriorates & Life Threatening Illness Develops.

You know the symptoms of your chronic stress and burnout.
But long term untreated stress also causes heart attack & stroke, neurological diseases, anxiety, depression & cancer.
What happens to your family then?  Who cares for them when you develop life threatening illness?

It's Not Just You - Your Whole Family is in Pain - Your Children, Wife, Partner, Everyone.

Everyone you care about and everyone that relies on you.
The damage from your stress & burnout affects everyone around you.
Everyone you love is in pain.
How can you care for & protect those you love, when you can’t help yourself?

The Cost of the Life You Miss, While You've Put Your Life on Hold.

I'm not talking about the financial cost of lost opportunities - the time away from work (although that is significant).
I'm talking about the lost time & memories with your family & friends that you can never get back.
The life you missed out on, because you couldn't or wouldn't join in.

The Financial Cost is Very Real and Very High.

When you do nothing, your health will deteriorate and you will almost certainly develop chronic disease - that's not a risk - it's a physiological fact. 

So, you've been diagnosed with chronic illness - maybe heart disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, liver disease, depression, anxiety - even cancer.

There's the medical costs associated with your ongoing treatment.
Then there's the indirect costs of your time away from work, the long-term damage to your career, the serious impact on your business. 

You May Eventually Recover but Many Relationships & Families Never Do.

 After too many years, you may eventually get there by yourself - get back to some level of health.
But at what personal and family cost?
The damage from stress and burnout puts a massive load on everyone around you.
Some relationships make it through - but many don't. 
I speak from tragic personal experience.

I Know How You're Feeling
I've Been Where You Are Now

But There is a Way Out. (I Know, I Discovered It)

Hi, I'm Evan.

I’m a mechanical engineer with an MBA who likes a steak and a beer. 
I'm not an incense & crystals wellness influencer.

So why am I here?  Why OnCalm?

After 20+ years as tech CEO, I crashed, burned out & was left unconscious & hooked-up to machines in the hospital emergency.
So I spent 4 years of R&D, to develop a solution to fix my stress & burnout.
To rebuild my health & get my life back.
And I was successful. 
So I documented everything I discovered and I wrote a book.
I created OnCalm to help you, your family and others like you. 
And this is how I did it.  

Fix Your Stress, 10x Your Performance & Stress-Proof Your Life
 Without Quitting Your High-Powered World

(Each intake fills quickly, so put your name on the waitlist even if you're not sure you'll be available)

To Fix My Stress, Rebuild My Health & "Stress-Proof" My Life - Many Problems Needed Solutions

The doctors and specialists had no answer. 
Plus, there was no escape from Today's Stress. 
I couldn't just walk away from my commitments, from my life & my kids.
But I had to rebuild my body and repair the damage from stress, all without sacrificing my high-intensity life. 
As an engineer, my job was developing innovative, evidence-based solutions to complex problems.
This time the complex problem was fixing the damage from my chronic stress and my burnout!
Before I could develop a solution, there were SIX critical "problems" that I had to fix first.  

Stress is Everywhere - You Can't Just Walk Away From Your Life

So to fix the problem for good:
You must control the impact that stress has on your body & become "stressproof", because you can't escape stress.
If you don't:
The damage from stress continues, and after 10+ years of chronic stress, you are at extreme risk of developing life threatening chronic diseases, including heart attack, stroke cancer, liver disease, diabetes.

Your Body Can't Begin to Heal, When You're Under Stress.

So to fix the problem for good:
You must learn to control and "switch-off" your body's stress response (sympathetic nervous system), whenever you feel the effects of stress.
If you don't:
The stress chemicals continue to flow and your body will never begin to heal and you will never recover from the symptoms of stress.

Long-Term Stress Damages Your Body's Inbuilt Healing Systems & They Don't Work Properly.

So to fix the problem for good:
You must first repair & rebuild these healing systems, because they become damaged from stress & don't work.
If you don't:
These healing systems are designed to help your body repair and heal when you're injured or get sick.
So, unless you repair and rebuild these healing systems, your body's organ systems can't begin to recover.

The Whole Body, All 11 Organ Systems, are Damaged by Stress

And this is what causes the different symptoms you suffer with chronic stress and burnout.
So to fix the problem for good:
You need a whole body treatment program to repair all 11 organ systems.
If you don't:
It's almost impossible to fully repair your body & health. Your body is designed to repair and rebuild, but only if it supported properly.
And when all 11 organ systems are damaged, you need a "whole body" rebuilding process to succeed. 

You Can't Fix the Damage from Stress & Burnout with Doctor Prescribed Medication or Tests

So to fix the problem for good:
Your treatment program must be designed to rebuild & protect your body from the complex damage caused by today's stress.
If you don't:
It doesn't matter what you do, or what drugs or supplements you take, or even what specialist doctor or health practitioner you see, the chance of fixing the damage for good, is very low. 

Stress Isn't Going Away.  So, Fixing the Problem Permanently Is Not Just Getting Healthy, It's Protecting You & Your Family Forever.

So to fix the problem for good:
You must protect your whole family from damage of stress - build a lifetime of stress-proof health for everyone. 
If you don't:
You will get sick again, and the ones you love will get sick too.  Maybe not today or tomorrow - but soon. We must protect not just ourselves, but everyone we love from the risk of chronic stress related illness, like heart attack, stroke, cancer, liver disease, diabetes, depression.

After Four Years of Research into Chronic Stress, Burnout & Extreme Fatigue - I Had a Breakthrough


I discovered the Stress-Fatigue-Disease Escalation Index. 

This discovery identifies the link between chronic stress & how burnout, extreme fatigue illness & chronic disease develops in our body.

The Stress-Fatigue-Disease Escalation Index explains: 

  • how chronic stress develops into burnout,
  • how burnout develops into extreme/adrenal fatigue, 
  • how extreme/adrenal fatigue develops into chronic disease.

This unlocked a whole-body treatment model, that solved the SIX RECOVERY PROBLEMS. 

A rebuilding and strengthening process that triggers rapid, successful and lifetime recovery from the damage of chronic stress and burnout. That transforms you into a stress-proof and resilient inspiration to your family, friends and colleagues    

A treatment process called the M.E.D.S. Rebuild Protocol and our
breakthrough ManCalm Stress-Proof program. 

Specially engineered for men to fix the damage from chronic stress & burnout and create stress-proof resilience -  fast and forever. 

This is how it works.

Introducing Our
ManCalm Stress-Proof Program

Our breakthrough program to fix your damage from chronic stress & burnout, rebuild your health & stress-proof your work & life - fast & forever.

The Science of HOW
We Fix Your Chronic Stress & Burnout is Advanced.
But We Make the Process of Repairing, Rebuilding & Stress-Proofing Your Body & Health, Step-by-Step SIMPLE


The ManCalm Stress-Proof program comprises our FIVE pioneering M.E.D.S. Rebuild Programs of: 

=> Meditation - Relaxation Switch System

=> Mindset - Stress Mindset Retraining

=> Exercise - Progressive Load Training

=> Diet/Nutrition - RealFoodRebuild program

=> Sleep - Sleep Building System


ManCalm Stress-Proof is delivered through our "Guided Group" coaching program.

You set the pace, and we guide, coach and support you and your cohort group at every step, through our small-group coaching and support program. 


Powered by Science. Proven by Results. Guaranteed.

ManCalm Stress-Proof is a "Guided Group"  Stress & Burnout Program

There are three different approaches to rebuilding your health & protecting you from the damage of stress. 

First is DIY - You Can Try and Do-It-Yourself

This approach involves , many many years of tears, trial and error (mainly error!)

You buy a book, download an app, research the internet, create a program and follow the program - by yourself.

This is hard - and it doesn't work. (But you've probably discovered that already).

Next is DFY - a Done-For-You Approach (Give me pills)

You visit an "expert", typically a doctor and ask them to "give me a pill that will fix me". 

It may mask some symptoms, but it won't fix the root cause , it won't solve the problem - and it doesn't work.  (And you've probably discovered that too.)

ManCalm Stress-Proof is a "Guided Group" program. 

You set the pace, and we guide, coach and support you and your cohort group at every step, through our  small-group coaching and support program. 

Your journey to your new lifetime of health requires your commitment and effort - but you will never feel alone. 

Our ManCalm Guided Group coaching program, guides you step-by-step through your transformation, so you always feel supported, guided, motivated and held accountable at every stage.

Importantly, your support and inspiration doesn't only come from the ManCalm team.

Your cohort group gives you all the benefits of a community experience with a much greater focus on a shared learning experience throughout the entire program - plus all the benefits of moving through the program at your own pace. 

This means you take ownership and responsibility for fixing your stress, rebuilding your health & building your stress-proof future. 

You do the work, you commit to your health - but we're there with you and your cohort team members every step along the way. 

We give you the tools, the expertise, the guidance and the support, together with expert answers to all your questions.

We're there to motivate you and hold you accountable. 

To pick you up if you stumble and we're there to make sure you celebrate your wins! 


ManCalm Stress-Proof simplifies the complex physiology of programming your body’s rebuild & recovery process, into a series of easy to follow, step-by-step and week-by-week programs and tasks.

  • ManCalm is an self-paced online program, with everything you need, including lesson videos, study & reference guides, worksheets and checklists.

  • When you've got time to power through the content and implement the changes - you can.  But in the same way, when you're snowed under with work and you need to take things easier for a few weeks, then you can do that to. Either way - we're there for you.
  • We give you everything you need, including 20+ expertly developed meditation exercises; a scientifically developed exercise program, specifically created for anyone recovering from chronic stress & burnout;  300+ nutritionist developed real food recipes and eating plans, specially developed for men, so eating healthy doesn't mean an unhappy family and extra work. 
  • With web & app based access to all program resources, we deliver the information you need every week, optimized for every stage of your rebuilding process - all accessible for you anywhere & anytime.

  • The science-powered M.E.D.S. Programs remove the complexity and uncertainty, by giving you a step-by-step and week-by-week process for WHAT you need to do, WHEN you need to do it and WHY you need to do it.
  • Our ManCalm Guided Group Coaching means I am always there for you to ensure your success. You own your recovery - you do the work.  But we're there to coach, guide, mentor, advise and support you at every step through our weekly small-group coaching, and vibrant and inclusive online support community. 
  • Our supportive, knowledgeable, vibrant ManCalm community means you're never alone on your journey, with like-minded and caring individuals, all sharing their recovery experiences, plus regular updates or loads more additional resources.   

Powered by Science. Proven by Results. Guaranteed.

Relaxation Switch System

Scientifically developed guided meditation exercises, to give you back control over your body's response to stress & stressful events. 
With exercises designed to give different physical benefits, and so:

  • switch-off the feelings of stress at anytime; 
  • switch-on more energy when you’re feeling tired;
  • switch-on calm when you’re feeling emotional, tense or anxious; and
  • switch-on sleep, to put you to sleep.

Stress Mindset Retraining

Our unique brain training program, uses our Rock & River + Control-Influence-Accept mindset training to help retrain your brain to respond differently to stressful events.

Much of our stress is "self-inflicted" - where our brain triggers a stress response when it thinks you are in an out-of-control situation.

But with Stress Mindset Retraining:

  • in a difficult situation, instead of feeling out of control and triggering a stress response, your brain feels in-control and you no longer feel stressed.

Progressive Load Training

A specialized exercise training system, developed specifically to help in the recovery of adrenal fatigue and burnout.

This system uses a process of progressive load changes, to slowly rebuild your exercise physiology, and physical strength, aerobic capacity, mobility, flexibility and coordination.

So the healing power of exercise will:

  • help repair the damage from stress,
  • improve your brain health, physical strength, reduce risk of disease, help manage your weight, improve your energy & ability to do everyday activities.

RealFoodRebuild Program

Our specially developed nutritional recovery programs & 300+ family friendly recipes, help rebuild your damaged metabolic processes, fuel your body's repair from adrenal fatigue & burnout & protect your family with a foundation of health.

RealFood healthy eating is NOT dieting, or detox, or restrictive eating - it is a balance, between eating more of what is fresh and nutritious, and less of highly-processed, high-sugar manufactured "food".

  • Healthy eating can be hard, especially when you have a fussy family to satisfy - but we make it easy.
  • With real food eating guides, information sheets and rules, we help you understand what is nutritious for you and your family,  and what isn't - what will fuel your recovery, and what will block it.
  • With 300+ recipes including breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert,  treats, fast-meals, soups and smoothies, your whole family will love your new "super-meals" (just don't tell them they're healthy). 

Sleep Building System

The sleep programs are specially designed to repair your body’s natural sleep architecture, so set you up for a deep, restorative sleep every night.

Your body is designed to sleep.  The Sleep Building System is a step-by-step system to build your natural sleep physiology. When you follow the process, within a few short weeks,  sleep becomes as instantaneous as "flipping a switch".

  • With evidence-based, rules & routines for every part of your sleep preparation, plus guided sleep relaxation exercises, sleep becomes gentle & almost guaranteed every night.
  • Once we remove the sleep obstacles & rebuild your "sleep switch", fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, achieve deeper, rejuvenating sleep & wake fully refreshed - every day. 
  • Your sleep becomes your superpower that supports your body to heal and recover, and also to give you the energy you need to power though each day.

The Secret is “M.E.D.S. Protocol Compounding” 

When used individually, these M.E.D.S. Protocols have powerful characteristics that help our whole-body recover naturally after illness. There are hundreds of scientific research studies within the last 5 years, that have examined the recovery benefits of each of these M.E.D.S. protocols, specifically for recovery from stress and stress-induced illness.

However, the real power of the OnCalm M.E.D.S. Protocols, is when they are used in combination with each other – as a “compound treatment”.

When we combine these individual programs as a “compound treatment”, we get an accelerated recovery benefit – where we see faster results and more significant recovery.

The recovery benefit of compound treatment is not simply “additive” - the health benefit is “accelerated”.

So instead of a “linear” improvement that we see if only one treatment protocol is used, the health benefit recovery rate seems to be exponentially greater.

M.E.D.S.  Whole-Body "Chain Reaction" Recovery 

To better understand how the M.E.D.S. Protocols compound to provide an accelerated benefit, you can think of the process a bit like a chain reaction.

A chain reaction is a sequence of events where each event stimulates the next one, which results in a continuous process and rapid increase of the reaction rate.

So, in the same way, when these M.E.D.S. Protocols are compounded as a treatment, they create what we call a “chain reaction recovery” process, which acts to supercharge recovery across the whole body.

Fix Your Stress, 10x Your Performance & Stress-Proof Your Life
 Without Quitting Your High-Powered World

(Each intake fills quickly, so put your name on the waitlist even if you're not sure you'll be available)

Let Me Show You Inside ManCalm Stress-Proof

How You Fix Your Stress, Health & Stress-Proof Your Life

Step 1


You Can't Plan Where You're Going, Unless you Know your Starting Point.

The focus of the first week is review and preparation. 

Your Stress, Health & Lifestyle self-assessment audit gives us both both a complete picture of your current health & lifestyle situation.

This includes a review of both current and past health & stress history - all the symptoms you've been struggling with over recent years  plus your nutrition, sleep, exercise and relaxation habits (both good and bad). 

This is also where we document not just your health goals, but also your life goals.

The combination of your symptoms and your lifestyle habits, gives us infinitely more information, than the meaningless results of some of the "adrenal fatigue" tests that have become popular recently.

This helps us both to understand where you can make the greatest impact in the shortest time and immediately target your biggest areas of pain.

It also helps me to guide you and support you throughout your journey.

Step 2


To Understand Your Recovery Process, You Must Understand the Root Cause of the Problem

Chronic stress, burnout, extreme fatigue, and the related fatigue disorders, are complex and poorly understood conditions.

Not only are they poorly understood, they are poorly diagnosed and very poorly treated, by not just medical doctors, but also by the numerous allied health community, whose alternative  theories and experimental treatments typically damage, rather than help your recovery.

So in this part of the program, we take you step-by-step through the physiology of stress.

We guide you through the science, the results of my research and how the discovery of the Stress-Fatigue-Disease Escalation Index, helps explain how your chronic stress and burnout, the damage to your body and all your symptoms have developed. 

So with the knowledge of the problem, we now move on to the step-by-step rebuilding process. 

Meditation Program

Take Control Over How Your Body Responds to Stress.  
Switch-off Stress and Switch-on Calm, Energy, Focus & Sleep.
Activate Your Body's Rebuild and Repair Process 

Backed by science and more than 4-years of research, the mobile app and desktop based Relaxation Switch System is a series of guided meditation exercises, that act like "control switches" for your brain and your body.

Together with "how-to" education videos and step-by-step worksheets, you now have complete control over how you feel and how your body reacts, when you're under stress.  

The Relaxation Switch system is also the trigger that activates your body's repair and rebuildingadrenal fatigue recovery process. 

Picture the stress and tension leaving your body and balanced calm returning, as you switch-off your body's "stress engine/stress response" and switch-on your "relaxation engine/relaxation response" at anytime.  

With more than 20 guided meditation exercises, that you can play through the app or your computer, the evidence-based exercises are organised based on the benefit that you're after.

Comprising meditation exercises that you can do anywhere and anytime,  to: 

  • Switch-off your body's sympathetic nervous system and so trigger your body's rebuilding process. 
  • Help you "Start the Day" with energy and focus (even if you're a "slow starter" each morning;  
  • Instantly switch-on "More Calm" and feel soothing peace if you're feeling tense and anxious, or in the middle of a difficult emotional situation.
  • Bring on an instant rush with "More Energy" if you're feeling tired and fatigued, or switch-on razor-sharp concentration and focus when your brain is exhausted; 
  • Help you gently wind down and relax your mind at the "End of the Day" and switch-off the stress of a challenging, emotional and stressful day, so you can enjoy the evening with your family, feeling relaxed and peaceful; 
  • Switch-on relaxed and gentle sleep, to help put you to sleep when you go to bed, or to get you back to sleep if you waken during the night - the relief of knowing you'll never again be stuck staring at the ceiling for hours. 

Mindset Program

Retrain Your Brain to Remain in Control and Learn to Switch-off Your Self-Inflicted Stress, Before Your Stress Response is Switched-On

Because much of our stress is self-inflicted, you'll discover how the simple, but powerful Rock and River mindset training, helps you "reprogram" your brain, transform your mindset and learn to control potential stress in your life, before they become problems.

With self-paced videos, resources guides, exercises and worksheets, you will:

  • Feel back in control, as you discover HOW our Control-Influence-Accept mindset exercise, can permanently change the way your brain interprets potentially stressful events, so you no longer suffer the "out-of-control" stress response, or the damaging affects of stress. 
  • Learn to "reframe" the challenging trauma of your past, and so dissolve the sub-conscious stress that you have hidden away, that causes your unexplained and debilitating anxiety.
  • Learn to define and live by your "Life Purpose", so you are confidently in control of your day and your life, rather than feeling pulled, pushed and rudderless.  

Exercise Program

Accelerate Your Rebuilding & Repair & Turn Back the Clock with Your New Stress-Proof Body,
Through the Science of the Progressive Load Training System 

When you're rebuilding your health after stress & burnout, exercise can either be a "magic elixir of life" that accelerates your recovery and turns back the clock, or a car-crash for your body.

Specifically developed around the exercise limitations caused by burnout and extreme fatigue, the Progressive Load Training process takes you from "worn out" to "workout" - gently and gradually.

More than just an exercise process, key to your success is the Exercise Habit Building Program, which reprograms and trains your mindset, so that exercise becomes a passion that you look forward to every day - instead of a punishment.  

You already know that with burnout and fatigue, the wrong exercise, at the wrong time - can seriously knock you about.

But when integrated with the other M.E.D.S. recovery protocols, the "chain reaction" affect of your whole-body recovery, slowly rebuilds your exercise physiology, and physical strength, aerobic capacity, mobility, flexibility and coordination. 

The Progressive Load Training principle of the correct exercise, at the right time and at the right intensity for your body, accelerates your repair and rebuilding process.

Everyone begins this program from a different level of health and fitness, so more than just set exercises and routines, Progressive Load Training is a "style of training". 

By gently and gradually increasing the load on your body, you rebuild and strengthen your whole-body – muscular and cardiorespiratory strength and endurance, as well as both mobility and stability. 

When you combine the  Progressive Load Training principles with the Habit Building training, exercise very quickly becomes a way of life that physically and mentally turns back the clock - on your health and your life! 

And then, you once again benefit from the power of exercise to:

  • Help you live longer, happier and healthier,
  • Repair the damage from stress,
  • Help manage your weight, 
  • Reduce the risk of chronic disease and
  • Improve your brain function.

 The principles of Progressive Load Training help you:

  • Discover the mandatory first step you must take before you begin exercise that triggers your repair and rebuilding, and the consequences for your health, if you don't.
  • How you use post-exercise "parasympathetic rebound", to switch-off stress at the end of the day and improve your sleep.
  • Follow the "real-world exercise rules", that almost guarantee success and a lifelong love of exercise, and the three mistakes that almost guarantee you will fail.


Nutrition/Diet Program

Fuel Your Recovery from Stress and Burnout, Rebuild Your Body & Create a Lifetime Foundation of Health for You & Your Family.

RealFoodRebuild is a Nutritional Eating & Habit Building Program, that is more than just healthy eating made easy.

It is a nutritional lifestyle program for your whole-family, that fuels your recovery from burnout and adrenal fatigue, and builds the foundation of health for your family, plus helps you all develop a relationship with food and nutrition, that is enjoyable, fun and sustainable for life. 

The program has three key components: 

  • nutritional education program,
  • nutritional habit building program, plus
  • recipes and meal plan.  

RealFoodRebuild is NOT a restrictive diet. It's not a crazy detox that starves your malnourished body.

Nutritional Eating is the fuel that nourishes and supercharges your recovery from adrenal fatigue and burnout, as your body repairs, recovers and grows stronger - building the foundation for a lifetime of health for you and your whole family.

Developed together with nutritional scientists, your RealFoodRebuild Program:

  • Is scientifically developed to reverse your metabolic syndrome - reverse your insulin resistance and pre-diabetes, stabilize your blood sugar imbalance, and so eliminate your cycle of mental and physical energy crashes, food cravings and weight gain.
  • With real food eating guides,  videos and worksheets we give you the nutritional facts to help you understand what is nutritious for you and your family - what will fuel your recovery and what will damage it. 
  • Your whole family will love your new "super-meals" with our "Family Friendly" fast, easy, tasty and nutritious 300+ step-by-step recipes including breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert,  treats, fast-meals, soups and smoothies, (just don't tell them they're healthy). 

Healthy eating is hard, NOT because you don't know what to eat, but because you've tried to follow a "diet" and not a Nutritional Habit Building Program. 

The Habit Building Program, covers:

  • mindset shifts about nutrition; keeping a journal; meal preparation and shopping, meal sizes; breakfast, lunch, snack and evening meal rules; rules for eating out and having fun plus more. 

You'll discover that nutritional education is more than just "macro and micronutrients, as you:

  • Learn the three phases of nutritional eating, that are guaranteed to support your recovery.
  • Uncover why restrictive detox diets are the very worst things you can do for your adrenal fatigue recovery,
  • Discover how the food companies deliberately deceive you, and trick you to eat more unhealthy food, even when they know the long term affects on your health can be disastrous.
  • Realize that eating cake, pizza and ice cream, drinking caffeine and alcohol not only gets you A+ for your healthy diet, but helps you stay clear of adrenal fatigue for life.

Sleep Program

Rebuilding Your Body's Natural Sleep Systems, Means Deep, Restorative Sleep is as Simple as "Switching-On Sleep" Every Night

Doctors call sleep the foundation of health.  And for successful lifetime recovery from stress and burnout, deep, restorative sleep - is mandatory.

The Sleep Building System is proven to repair your body’s natural sleep architecture, and so set you up for a deep restful sleep, helping your whole body to repair, rebuild and recover every night.

The Sleep System is a step-by-step system to support your natural sleep physiology, and when you follow the process, within a few short weeks, sleep becomes as instantaneous as "flipping a switch".

  • With evidence-based rules & routines for every part of your sleep preparation, plus guided sleep relaxation exercises, sleep becomes gentle & almost guaranteed every night.
  • Once we remove the sleep obstacles & rebuild your "sleep switch", fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, achieve deeper, rejuvenating sleep & wake fully refreshed - every day. 
  • Your sleep becomes your superpower that supports your body to heal and recover, and also to give you the energy you need to power though each day.

The daily step-by-step sleep formula, and app based guided relaxation and meditation exercises:

  • Almost guarantee when your head hits the pillow, that deep, restful sleep is only minutes away; 
  • Teach you to "shut down" your active brain and "switch-on" restorative sleep when you're in bed and your brain is still spinning - whether it's 10pm or 3am, so you never have to stare at the ceiling in panic again. 

The lessons on the physiology of sleep and how sleep works, helps you understand: 

  • How quality sleep helps us live longer, and why poor sleep can cause life threatening disease.
  • How sleep enhances your memory, lowers food cravings, protects you from dementia, reduces your risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and cancer, boosts your immunity and your mood; while reducing anxiety and depression.
  • The "stress-sleep-stress" cycle that makes recovery from your stress and burnout impossible.
  • The facts about the sleep supplements you use that are dangerous and don't work, and which ones naturally support healthy sleep.


ManCalm Guided Group Coaching

You Progress Through Your Rebuilding Process at Your Own Pace  - But We're With You Every Step of the Way

The ManCalm Guided Group Coaching Program is a key element of your success.

Everyone begins their rebuilding from a different level of health, so the program is designed so you can progress at your own pace.

But you're never alone. 

I am always there for you to ensure your success. 

You own the process of rebuilding your health - you do the work. 

But I'm there to coach, guide, mentor, advise and support you at every step along the way, through our weekly small-group coaching calls, workshops and Q&A sessions. 

All recorded and available for you to replay and review at any time.

Have a question? Just ask me.

Plus, you're  surrounded by a supportive, knowledgeable and vibrant online ManCalm Community of like-minded and caring individuals, all sharing their rebuilding experiences and supporting each other on their journey. .

Our ManCalm Program is Transforming Lives

“We were very fortunate to meet Evan at a not so fortunate period of my life ...  His wisdom and kindness were exactly what I and my wife needed at that time.

He was able to quickly diagnose the underlying issues and offer tangible and practical options to try and address the issues as quickly as possible,

It is without reservation that I can recommend Evan, not only as a professional stress coach, but more importantly, as someone who is approachable, generous of spirit and amazingly gifted."

Michael Carrick, Melbourne

Simple, Straightforward, Affordable Month-by-Month Pricing


Fixing your stress, rebuilding your health and stress-proofing your life - takes lifestyle change and commitment. 

The benefits come quickly, but ManCalm is a way of life. 

Over the past few years while I've been writing my books, I've been working with select clients 1-on-1 to help them fix their stress, reverse their burnout, rebuild their health and stress-proof their work and life.

And in this time, more than 95% of clients tell me they've reached all, or most, of their health goals in 90 days or less.

And as the stories of our client's success has spread, I've had more and more people reach out to me for help.

But there's not enough days in the week, for me to work 1-on-1 with everyone.

So my goal with our ManCalm Stress-Proof program, is to make it as easy as possible for every man to join us & take control over their stress & their health. 

Obviously not at the same charge as my corporate or private clients (my one-day Corporate Executive Program is $10,000.)

But in a way that suits every man who wants to live their life, happy, health & stress-proof.

Delivered as a monthly membership program that includes:

  • The exact same step-by-step ManCalm process, lessons, tools, resources, guided meditations, recipe and food plans, exercise programs, worksheets, checklists and information that I offer my private coaching clients; 
  • A supportive, knowledgeable, vibrant online community of like-minded and caring individuals, all sharing their recovery experiences. 
  • Weekly group coaching calls, workshops and Q&A sessions,  
  • Plus lots, lots more ...  

All for a small, affordable monthly investment, that is: 

  • Much less than the cost of a visit to a medical doctor, (who typically refers you to another specialist, or runs a series of expensive tests that don't help or prescribes meds that can't fix your root cause problem).
  • Less than the price of a therapist visit, who offers lots of talk - but no concrete action plans for rebuilding your health or ongoing support when you need immediate questions answered. 
  • A fraction of the amount you have already spent on doctors, and specialists, and other health experts, that has left you still struggling. 
  • A fraction of the income that you've already lost, because of the time you've been unable to work.  

All guaranteed with no commitment or obligation, and with month-to-month membership that you can cancel at anytime, with no penalties and with no-questions-asked.  

Simple, Straightforward, Affordable Monthly Membership Pricing

"ManCalm Stress-Proof" Program Membership

First month payment of $297,
then $147/mth billed monthly


This is what you receive with your 
ManCalm Stress-Proof monthly membership

  • Lifestyle Audit & Personal Review (with Evan Jones) ($297 value)
  • Understanding Stress & Burnout Education Modules ($297 value)
  • Relaxation Switch Meditation System ($97/mth value)
  • Stress Mindset Retraining Program ($67/mth value)
  • Progressive Load Training ($67/mth value)
  • RealFoodRebuild Program + Recipes ($97/mth value)
  • Sleep Building System ($97/mth value)
  • ManCalm Guided Group Community Membership (Priceless)
  • Weekly Masterclass Training + Weekly Small Group Coaching Calls ($97/mth value)

ManCalm - Private 1-to-1

Application & Waitlist Only

When the damage from stress is serious, your whole life has been affected, and you need one-on-one help and guidance to fix the problem and get your life back. . 

All Elements of ManCalm Stress-Proof Program, plus: 
  • Custom Health Rebuilding Program (Evan Jones)
  • Weekly 1-on-1 Personal Reviews (Evan Jones)
  • Fortnightly Partner/Family Review 
  • Coach-in-Your-Pocket (unlimited Evan Jones 1-on-1 SMS support)

Take Back Control - Without Quitting Your High-Powered World

The First Step to Fixing Your Stress & Your Health
to Stress-Proofing Your Life - Starts Today

Join Our Next ManCalm Program Intake

Just $297 first month | Then $147/mth billed monthly. Cancel anytime. 

(Each intake fills quickly, so put your name on the waitlist even if you're not sure you'll be available)

No Questions Asked Guarantee & Cancel Anytime

My mission is simple - I commit to helping you get your life back.

But I understand what you've been through already. 

You've been struggling with stress for years and you're now feeling the impact.  You've gone looking for help, but there's been lots of talk - but no action - so nothing has changed. 

After discovering the secret to fixing stress, rebuilding health and becoming stress-proof, my duty became to help you, your family and others like you, to not only rebuild, but live a lifetime of health and then pass on this knowledge to your generations that follow. 

To help you rebuild your body and your health, and finally recover from the debilitating pain and frustration you have experienced. 

If you fully commit and follow the ManCalm program, you WILL get amazing results.

As you continue as a member of my program, and your health improves and your life returns, you will continue to build strength, confidence and a lifetime of health for you and your family. 

I stand behind this program 100% and I am energized every day by the transformational change that it has on the lives of our clients and their families.

That's why I am making it available at such a low cost.

Because I want you to help you, so you can also help your family and others, live the happy, healthy stress-free life that you deserve.

If you don't believe this program is right for you for any reason, or you don't  feel your sleep improving, your energy increasing, your calm and balance being restored - your health, happiness and life returning - you can simply cancel at any time.

No risk. No commitment.  No questions asked.

If you begin the program and anytime in the first month (even on day 30), if you believe that ManCalm is not for you, then just let me know, and I will immediately refund the membership you have paid.  

100% satisfaction. Risk free. 

So, now you can finally invest in your recovery with confidence and the full piece of mind knowing that the only way is forward.

Fix Your Stress - Take Back Control - Rebuild Your Health - Risk Free


Nutritional eating needs to taste good and be easy (as well as healthy).

I'm also the "head chef" at home, so I know what it's like.

In addition to your RealFoodRebuild recipe pack of more than 300 recipes, to make it even easier, I've added a couple of bonuses to help you even more. 

A bonus for the snack/treat/dessert lovers in your family and one for when you need dinner to be something simple, quick and nutritious.

Snacks, Treats & Desserts Recipe Pack

We don't want to live life eating "rabbit food" - we need to enjoy our food, which means also enjoying (in moderation) our snacks, treats and desserts.  

Remember, RealFoodRebuild is NOT restrictive eating - its "nutritional eating".

So, nutritional eating means snacks, treats and desserts can be healthy (and tasty) too! 

If you're the "chef" at home (like me), you can easily make these yourself - but if your "better half" is the head cook, then you can tell her that "Evan said I could still have my snacks, treats and dessertsy!!)  

And to make it easier, this first bonus is a specially designed "Snacks, Treats and Desserts Recipe Pack" - delicious (and just a bit  decadent).

With more than 30 recipes for everything from cakes, puddings, muffins, crepes, to cookies, sorbet, energy-balls and more, you've got something for the fussiest "sweet-tooth". 

And when your friends ask for the recipe, watch their faces when they realise how healthy they all are! 

Including detailed calorie & macronutrient profiles for every recipe & detailed step-by-step cooking instructions, the Snacks, Treats & Desserts Recipe Pack is designed to help your whole family understand how easy and delicious healthy eating can be.

Quick and Easy Meals - 5 Ingredient Recipe Pack

For those times, when you just want mealtime to be quick and easy, but still nutritious, I've put together this Quick and Easy Meals - 5 Ingredient Recipe Pack.

With 40+ different nutritional healing recipes including breakfast, lunch, dinner, treats and smoothie options, there is something for everyone - at all times of the day. 

Whether you're after a quick smoothie snack or a hearty dinner, and even desserts and treats. 

All recipes include detailed calorie & macronutrient profiles (plus MyFitnessPal barcodes) and includes ingredient lists and detailed step-by-step cooking instructions. 

To make it even easier, we've created a shopping list of the healthy recipe ingredients you'll need, plus meal planner, to help you save even more time.

Here's a Summary of Everything You Receive When You Join Our ManCalm Stress-Proof Program

Lifestyle Audit & Personal Review (with Evan Jones)

(Value $297)

In the first week of the program, I will personally meet with you (Zoom), to review your Stress, Health & Lifestyle assessment. 

This audit gives us both both a complete picture of your current health & lifestyle situation.

This includes a review of both current and past health & stress history - all the symptoms you've been struggling with over recent years plus your nutrition, sleep, exercise and relaxation habits (both good and bad).

This helps you understand where you can make the greatest impact in the shortest time and immediately target your biggest areas of pain.

Understanding Stress, Burnout and Fatigue - Education Modules

(Value $297)

Chronic stress, burnout, extreme fatigue, and the related fatigue disorders, are complex, poorly understood, badly diagnosed and very poorly treated conditions.

So in these modules, we take you step-by-step through the physiology of stress.  We guide you through the science, the results of my research and how the discovery of the Stress-Fatigue-Disease Escalation Index, helps explain how your chronic stress and burnout has developed.

All this helps you better understand the true cause of your stress and how your symptoms help explain the damage to your body.

Relaxation Switch System

(Value $97/mth)

Scientifically developed guided meditation exercises, to give you control over your body's response to stress & stressful events.

Switch-off stress anytime; switch-on energy when you're tired; switch-on calm when emotional, tense or anxious & switch-on sleep, to put you to sleep.


Stress Mindset Retraining

(Value $67/mth)

Our unique Rock & River mindset training program, retrains your brain to respond differently to stressful events.

So that in a difficult situation, instead of feeling out of control and triggering a stress response, your brain feels in-control and you no longer feel stressed.

Progressive Load Training

(Value $67/mth)

A specialized exercise system, developed specifically for recovery from chronic stress & burnout.

Progressive Load Training scientifically rebuilds your damaged body, exercise physiology, physical strength, aerobic capacity, mobility, flexibility & coordination.

RealFoodRebuild Program + Recipes 

(Value $97/mth)

Our nutritional recovery program is a science-powered system of educational videos, food plans, worksheets, resource guides & 300+ family friendly recipes.

Fuel your adrenal fatigue and burnout recovery, rebuild your damaged metabolic processes, and protect your family's health.

Sleep Building System

(Value $97/mth)

Our science-based system to repair your body’s natural sleep architecture, and give you deep, restorative sleep every night.

With step-by-step routines for every part of your preparation & guided "sleep exercises" that put you to sleep, you'll learn to simply "switch-on sleep" every night. 

ManCalm Guided  Group Coaching & Member Community 

(Value $97/mth)

Your supportive, knowledgeable, vibrant online community to guide your recovery. 

I'm there to coach, guide, mentor, advise and support you at every step, through our weekly small-group coaching calls, weekly masterclass training,  workshops and Q&A sessions. 

Bonus 1
Snacks, Treats & Desserts Recipe Pack

(Value $47)

Your new nutritional eating life, doesn't mean Snacks, Treats & Recipes can't be healthy too! 

This first "Snacks, Treats and Desserts Recipe Pack" contains 30+ healthy and delicious recipes for the fussiest "sweet-tooth".

Bonus 2
Quick and Easy Meals - 5 Ingredient Recipes

(Value $47)

When meals need to be nutritious and easy, this "Quick & Easy - 5 Ingredient Recipes" is the solution.

With 40+ nutritional recipes including breakfast, lunch, dinner, treats and smoothies there is something for everyone.

Take Back Control - Without Quitting Your High-Powered World

The First Step to Fixing Your Stress & Your Health, 
to Stress-Proofing Your Life - Starts Today

Join Our Next ManCalm Program Intake

Just $297 first month | Then $147/mth billed monthly. Cancel anytime. 

(Each intake fills quickly, so put your name on the waitlist even if you're not sure you'll be available)

So, Now You Have a Choice

Option 1 - You Can Continue to Do Nothing 

To continue to ignore your stress - to continue to try and "push through" and "tough it out", or continue with caffeine or alcohol or worse.

To give up and say "goodbye" to the life you loved. 

Goodbye to ever again feeling energetic, joining in with your family and friends, as they run around having fun.  

Forgetting that feeling of waking in the morning, full of energy - the exhilaration of watching the sunrise as you explore your favorite beach.

To give up on your health and your family's health and wellness.  

Option 2 - You Can Begin to Fix Your Stress Immediately.
Rebuild Your Health, Take Control & Become a Stress-Proof Inspiration

You can join the next intake of our ManCalm Stress-Proof program, and take the first steps to taking back control.

To a life of stress-free and stress-proof energy, health and happiness.  

It's Also Important That You Know ManCalm is NOT for Everyone

I am committed to the success of every single person I help when they join ManCalm. 

The science works. The results speak for themselves. The evidence is clear.

Therefore you too, must be 100% committed to fixing your health - stress, burnout and fatigue.

So, I’m sorry, I don’t think I can help you if:

  • You’re just looking for that quick-fix “miracle-supplement-magic-pill” to help you.  A few pills, a couple of recipes, magic pink Himalayan salt - simple, quick-fix doesn't exist and won't work.
  • You don’t want to “own” the process for rebuilding your health. I can educate, empower, guide, support, encourage you. But I don’t fix your stress, your burnout, or fatigue - your body does.  You are responsible for your new lifestyle of health and wellness.
  • You don't want to live healthy - you only want to follow some elements of the program.  It’s the unique science based  integration of all protocols compounding and working together, that’s key to rebuilding and stress-proofing your body.

But, if You're Ready to Transform Your Life - Then I'm Here to Help - Now

And when you do ...

You've Taken Control - The Life You Love is Back
You & Your Family Are Transformed

It was the "Pressure-Week-from-Hell" - at Work, at Home - Everywhere 

There was emotion, turmoil and turbulence all around you. 

But how did you feel - how did you respond?

You looked and felt "bulletproof". You felt strong. You took control and you looked in control. 

Your colleagues - everyone around you - now see you as a leader.

It's easy to "be strong" when life around you is "smooth sailing" - but it takes true strength and resilience to be in complete emotional and physical control when the world around you is out of control. 

You've become Stress-Proof.   

You're in Total Control of your Health and Your Life. 
Your new Life of Wellness is more than a Habit, or a Lifestyle - it's Now our Identity. It's Who You Are!

You understand the science of your body's physiology.
How everything works (or doesn't).  
How stress & eating badly & poor sleep damage you.
Knowledge is control.
You've taken back complete control over your stress, mindset, eating, exercise, sleep. Reversed your burnout & the symptoms of your chronic stress.
Your best friend called you their "inspiration" - it almost made you cry.

You Feel in Complete Emotional Control.
No More Exploding Tension in Your Head, or Sick-to-the-Stomach Feeling Every-Single-Day. 

The debilitating anxiety you'd sometimes feel - has just evaporated.
That short-fuse frustration & anger - with yourself, with everyone - has completely dissolved. 
When difficult & emotional situations meant you were tested… When stress levels started to rise, you simply "switched them off".
Never tense or upset - at the end of a busy day, in the middle of a stressful week/month/year.
The confident, invincible feeling of emotional control. 

You Now Sleep Through the Night Every Night.
For the First Time in so Many Years.
So You Wake Every Morning, Feeling Refreshed & Energized. Empowered Every Day.

You thought your sleep was permanently broken.
Now, there's no more staring at the ceiling at 2am!
You follow the rules of the Sleep Switch system & you switch-on sleep whenever you're ready.
No more mid-afternoon body & brain exhaustion.
Asleep in only minutes - every night. It feels like magic!  

It's Not Just Mental Strength. Your Body is Strong.  
You Feel "Good Tired" from Your New Active Life.
Not "Fatigue Exhausted" from Doing Nothing. 

Your muscles that felt weak & empty - that would barely let you walk - have now been rebuilt with steel fibers.
You're not just "stronger", you're now physically strong.
You relish your morning walks with your friends. 
Your family bike rides - even hiking together.  
The sounds and smell of the forest, that you missed so much have all returned. 
The sound of your kids and your family laughing together is back too.

The Crippling Headaches, Back Aches, Muscle Aches Have Just Faded Away.
So has the Light-Headed Dizziness you Always Felt & the Racing Heart & Upset Stomach.  You Don't get Sick. 

You could never work out what was wrong.
It felt like your doctor (and everyone else), thought the problem  was just "in your head". 
But you knew there was physically something wrong. 
But not now.  Not for a long time.  
It's like you've developed new "superpowers" of health, strength & resilience. 

Your Friends & Family Think You've Invented a Time Machine.  You've Turned Back the Clock 10 Years!
You Can't Remember When you Last Felt so Full of Vital, Energetic Optimism.

You feel like (& look like) you've gone back in time. 
To when you were at your fittest, strongest, most energetic - when you felt like you could take on the world. 
All-Day Energy - no more mid-afternoon body and brain exhaustion.  No more sugar and junk food cravings.
(Maybe you have gone back in time - those old jeans now fit too!)

You Don't Just Feel Different - You Look Different. 
You Saw it in the Mirror This Morning, Yesterday Too. 
You Look Genuinely Happy. 

Happier than you’ve felt in a very long time.
The black clouds of sadness have slowly just lifted - replaced by a blue sky of calm & clarity. 
You & your partner have been smiling & laughing together too. 
That incredible weekend you had away together brought back so many wonderful memories. 

You Barely Believe it, but it's not Chocolate & Cake that you Crave Now, it's the Broccoli & Beans.
You can Feel Your Body - your Cells & Muscles, Refuel, Repair & Rebuild Every Time you Eat!

Now you understand how easy it is, Nutritional Eating is simple. Almost UberEats easy.
You follow the rules and the recipes and the kids still come back for seconds. 
They still don't know their new favorite school snacks come from your RealFoodRebuild recipe book. 
You feel proud knowing you're fueling your family with nutrition that supercharges their body - not damages it.

You So Deserve the Pride You Feel, for the Gift of Lifetime Health You've Given to Your Family 

It's not just your health - your whole family are healthier - they eat better, are more active and are always laughing!

And it's all because of you and your commitment to your family. 

You have built a foundation of health for your whole family.

And you know the knowledge and understanding of a healthy lifestyle you've given them - will be passed on to their family too!

You've built the foundation for generations of family health. 

You Can Hear the Laughter - You Can Feel Your Family's Energy

You've been at the park ... at the beach ... the mall.

Your family is chasing you around - and you're chasing them too.

And everyone is laughing.

They've been laughing all week.

You've got your life back!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Don't forget, if you have any other questions regarding ManCalm, please send us a message on [email protected] and we'll be happy to help.

Take Back Control - Without Quitting Your High-Powered World

The First Step to Fixing Your Stress & Your Health
to Stress-Proofing Your Life - Starts Today

Join Our Next ManCalm Program Intake

Just $297 first month | Then $147/mth billed monthly. Cancel anytime. 

(Each intake fills quickly, so put your name on the waitlist even if you're not sure you'll be available)